Description du produit: Potentiometrc Wire Rope Sensor Series S501T with Electronics
In advancement of the standard S501P series, the E-Version, S501T, is realized for better electronic integration. The mechanical detection of linear movement is done by the pretensioned cable wire. Inside the sensor, the wire is wrapped on a drum which is tensioned by a helical spring. Pulling the cable, the linear movement is transformed into a rotated movement. A high quality multiturn potentiometer with hybrid technology is flanged on the drum and converts the movement into an analogue signal. For facilitating electronic integration, the S501T series is equipped with an electronic signal converter board inside the connector housing. Instead of delicate reference voltage, a simple 24VDC±20% power supply can be used. The analogue signal is provided in the typical form with 0…10VDC or 4…20mA. To stable the output signal in the voltage version 0…10V up to 2mA can be driven (for the pure potentiometric signal only 0,001mA is conventional). In comparison to the pure potentiometric transducer, the E-version keeps quite well the true power on function and temperature stability and is EMC approved. The dimensions of the S501T version are not changed to the standard version. The flexible mechanical coupling of the wire construction makes the S501T suitable for application in which conventional linear transducers cannot be mounted to the measurement object. With an extended wire, the S501T sensor can be installed in appropriate distance in case of very rough environmental conditions. The robust construction in IP65 protection compliments the high price performance ratio of the S501T wire sensor.
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